Thursday, April 10, 2014

"It Should Be Fun!"

It would be an understatement to say that I've been an ambivalent blogger.  In my professional life, I write narratives many times every day--factual narratives.  Very factual.  Like 'don't say that if you can't back it up in court' factual.  So even on a good day, writing is for me an academic exercise.

It wasn't always like this.  I once thought of writing The Great Novel & becoming an English teacher.  Then life happened & I needed to support myself.  I also come from Norwegian & Swiss German stock--not the most happy-go-lucky folks.  Sturdy but not necessarily jovial!

My darling husband has had to put up with "I'm not going to write a blog" to "Maybe I will."  I have the great good fortune to be married to a very patient man.  Yesterday morning as I walked out the door I proclaimed once again that I wasn't going to write the blog.  He told me "It should be fun.  Just do it."  Thank you, Jim & Nike.  During my drive to work, I thought about all kinds of things I could write about.  I realized that this doesn't have to be great writing--that I can "write from the heart" (thank you Rick).  So I told myself that I would try writing something every day for 7 days & see what happens.  I might even take a creative writing class at the senior center or even better, check in with my middle son, Nate, the writer!  He's definitely the one in our family who will (or already has) written The Great American Novel!  So, welcome to Day One.

A couple more things--today at 4 PM I'm meeting with the Medical Director to let her know that my last day of work will be December 31st & my official last day will be January 2nd.  Unless I experience some kind of catastrophic event, I will submit my letter of resignation October 2nd.  One step closer to retirement!

My guess is that many of you have a family member or know of someone who is on the autistic spectrum.  My colleague & friend, Lindsay Beard, just started a blog she calls TherapistGumboMama
and she writes about family, food & therapy.  She has a fantastic sense of humor & she LOVES all things Bigfoot!!  Really!

I'll put more photos in my posts from here on--I thought I was doing good today to just post!  Have a great day today.  Safe travels to those of you on the road and cheers to all of you from the end of the road!


  1. Doh. I forgot to mention that Lindsay is an expert therapist for kiddos who are on the autistic spectrum. I have deep respect for the work she does.

  2. I agree with Jim. It should be fun, so just do it! It's like talking to friends.

  3. Many of us are not writers. We're just trying to communicate with our friends and family (many of whom we haven't yet met) and to document what is happening in our lives. Others are truly writers or photographers that do amazing work. I enjoy reading both. I also learn a lot which is a good thing for my brain. So write away. And let me tell you, retirement is even better than you can ever imagine.

    1. The diversity of blogs is one of the things I really enjoy. I've learned SO much from all of you--I'm constantly showing Jim a photo or telling him about a tip someone or camp site someone has posted about! Sandie, sometimes I take myself way too seriously!

  4. Blogging . . . how to categorize it? I agree with Judy B. To me, at least, it is just chatter about something that you have done, seen, or whatever - something that pleases you to share with others. At least that is what it is for me. Most blogs have a theme of some sort. I couldn't do that, unless "eclectic" is a "theme"! I love being able to share a picture of something I saw or did and saying what my feelings were about it. I love being able to talk back and forth with others who are reading, and hopefully enjoying, what I have written and photographed. It's like having a group of friends around you and enjoying the camaraderie . . . and you don't need to provide refreshments, or make sure all your wastebaskets are empty! ;->

    Virtual hugs,


    1. I really like the back & forth conversations too, Judie! RV Sue's blog is very conversational--have you read it! Yup, blogging means you don't have to clean house or put the vacuum out so it looks as if you're in the midst of cleaning house! Yay!
